Day 16:
Welcome to day 16 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 16 is associated with being outspoken, strong-willed, analytical, research, and study. Today you are invited to reflect on these qualities and how they manifest in your life. Where would you like to lean into these qualities, and where might you want to pull back (or not) from these qualities?
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Day 14:
Welcome to day 14 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. You have reached the “fortnight” (two-week) mark into the program. The number fourteen is associated with half a synodic month (the time it takes to go from a New moon to a Full moon). The new moon is invisible from the earth while the full moon is a phase of the moon that is visible as a whole illuminated disk. Today you are invited to reflect on those areas of your life that you have longed for but somehow have seemed invisible or unattainable (your New moon). You are also invited to visualize what has seemed invisible and make more tangible that which has felt unattainable. No imagine your Full moon illuminating and guiding you toward your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. Day 13:
The number 13 is associated with superstitions (as an “unlucky” number), but I also associate it with a baker’s dozen. It seems that English bakers in the 13th century started including an extra loaf in their “dozen” to avoid penalties for shorting their customers on the size/weight of their baked goods (Assize of Bread and Ale). Today I invite you to reflect on areas in your life in which you may have felt short-changed. What role did you play in this outcome? What role did others play in this outcome? What might you do differently moving forward? You are invited to practice compassion and forgiveness toward yourself and others concerning the past and to make mindful and informed choices in the present and future. Day 12:
Welcome to day 12 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 12 is associated with the construction and illusion of time (e.g. 12 months in a year, the 12 hours represented on a clock’s face). Today I invite you to reflect on the meaning that you give time in your life. You are also invited to be mindful and decisive about how you choose to use the time that you have. Are you spending your time with people you like/love doing what brings joy and fulfillment? Do you feel like others encroach upon your time (if so, how can you establish better boundaries)? What choices will you make today to align your time with your desires and values? Day 11:
Welcome to day 11 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 11 is the first double-single digit number (11, 22, 33, etc.) and it is associated with artistic and inventive genius. Today I invite you to tap into the artistic and inventive genius within you. (You do not have to know how to use a paintbrush to be an artist and you do not have to be a programmer to be inventive.) Reflect on the unique ways that artistic and inventive genius resides within you and think about ways to share your genius with others. Day 10:
Welcome to day 10 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. You have reached double-digit days of meditating. Congrats! The number 10 is associated with completion (e.g. the end of a decade) and with giving/service (e.g. giving 10% or a tithe of one’s income). Today I invite you to reflect on your life lessons from last decade and then envision your life aspirations for the next decade. You are also invited to think about how you desire to give of yourself to improve the world around you. Giving does not have to be monetary – it can be a smile, a kind remark, a prayer, your time or talents, etc. (If you are in a place where you feel drained and exploited from giving too much, think about establishing boundaries. The best giving is reciprocal - that which brings both you and the receivers joy. Day 9:
Welcome to day 9 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 9 is associated with responsibility, ambition, and idealism. Today I invite you identify the various responsibilities in your life (personal, professional, spiritual/religious, etc.). Be gentle with yourself as you navigate the various responsibilities you have taken on - responsibilities that at times may feel in tension with one another. You are also invited to reflect upon and confidently embrace your ambitions and ideals without self-imposed limitations. Day 8:
Welcome to day 8 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 8 is associated with another beginning, wisdom, loving action, and independence. You may have meditated on areas where you would like to bring completion and closure yesterday. Today I invite you to identify areas where you would like to have a new beginning. Condiser how you would bring the wisdom gained from past experiences along with loving action to your new beginnings, and celebrate your independence. Day 7:
Welcome to day 7 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. The number 7 is associated with completion, finishing and REST (e.g. creation stories, the last day of the week). It is also connected to learning and instruction. Today I invite you to identify areas where you would like to bring completion, closure, and REST in your life. You are also invited to reflect on the reciprocity/simultaneity of teaching and learning (e.g. how in teaching we also learn and how in being open to learning we can teach others by modeling this teachability for others). Day 6:
Welcome to day 6 of the 30/30 Meditation Program. Number 6 is associated with both creativity and anxiety. Today I invite you to tap into your inner creativity and creative expressions. You are also invited to identify any anxieties that you may be feeling, including not only the sources of anxiety, but also the physical and emotional impact that it may be having in your life. May your meditation practice help to alleviate anxieties and bring positive peaceful perspective. |
30/30 Mediation BLOGKathryn Sophia Belle, Ph.D. ArchivesCategories |